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Dharma Vet
I became fascinated with veterinary doctors since school days. Born and raised with animals. I love animals most, where my parents want me to become a civil engineer. I graduated from Madras Veterinary college – Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal sciences University – B.Vsc (1994-95),Life was interesting in Madras veterinary college wherein many people lovingly called me as “Wasteland” because most of the time I played cricket and sports activities. Captain for the college cricket team 91-92, 93-94 University Cricket team captain – Participated in India tournaments, Chennai league. Won many medals in badminton, high jump, javelin through and inter college cultural competitions.
Married in 1999 with Jamuna Msc.Mphill zoologist. Having two lovely daughters namely Vyshali and Ponni shree studying at International School, Saudi Arabia.
In 1995, my practice career began with small animals where I met wonderful clients. Since College days, I wanted practice in horses and for an equine veterinarian, one has to be sharp both “physically and mentally”. 33% of tasks required good mental skills and 41% required good physical skills. The remaining 26% of task required combination of both physical and mental abilities.
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